Before anesthesia instructions for pediatric patients
Your child is scheduled for general anesthesia for dental work. If your child has any COUGH OR COLD SYMPTOMS now, or in the last couple weeks it is CRITICAL that you inquire as this may affect your child’s safety for anesthesia in the dental office.
MOST IMPORTANT It is critical that your child not eat past the following times. They can have regular food until 9 hours before arrival, and clear liquids until 3 hours before arrival. CLEAR LIQUIDS are ONLY water, apple juice, Gatorade, and Pedialyte. If you have another clear liquid you want your child to have, please check with Dr. Seiden first. Things that are NOT clear liquids are orange juice, milk or any dairy products, broths, or any other liquids. If your child eats at the wrong time, the procedure may be cancelled. PLEASE make sure they don’t have any SECRET OR FORGOTTEN foods in the car, at school, at another caregiver or family members house, or elsewhere they might be able to eat or drink without you knowing.
AVOID SENDING THEM TO SCHOOL or any place that you can’t make sure they are not fed on the day of their procedure.
Your child will receive a general anesthetic. They will usually go to sleep with a mask anesthesia, and shots are not therefore not typically necessary. After they go to sleep with a mask, an IV will be placed, followed by a breathing tube. General anesthesia is very safe, but there are risks. These are things such as allergic reactions, changes in heart rate, blood pressure, injury to lips, gums or teeth, and problems with breathing. More serious things are very uncommon. Common side effects from anesthesia include nausea, sore throat, nose bleeds, and waking up irritable. Additional risks and side effects are discussed on the Frequently Asked Questions page.
It is common for children to have a potty accident under anesthesia, so if they are recently out of diapers, are prone to accidents or bedwetting, a diaper/pull-up is helpful. Otherwise please bring a change of clothes just in case. And please BRING A LARGE BLANKET of your choosing to keep them warm during the procedure (this is true all times of year and is not related to outside temperatures or if your child thinks they need it). You can also bring any special lovey or stuffed animal, etc that are a comfort to them! If they have very long hair, please bring a hair tie or braid, etc. Also, please DO NOT bring ANY UNATTENDED CHILDREN under the age of 10 unless you have someone who can attend to them over the age of 12.
Sometimes the breathing tube is placed in the nose to give the dentist space to work in the mouth. A breathing tube placed in the nose has the risk of a nose bleed occurring, typically when the breathing tube is placed or removed. It is possible, but uncommon, for your child to have a nose bleed at home. If there is dripping blood that does not stop with direct pressure to the nose and tilting the head back, you should call 911 or go to an emergency room. This is very uncommon. However, it is common when your child sneezes or blows their nose to see small bloody boogers (clots). This is not a concern.
Please note that times are approximate and subject to change as dental treatment times are not exact (some are faster, some are slower, and often times cannot be predicted until x-rays are created).